Living on a train (16) – Last floor ball practice

Living on a train – day 16
Tuesday, 2015-12-01, Östersund
Sustainable Lifestyle Concepts and Experiments

-Meeting about “A better Christmas”
-Hyperactive evening Mattecentrum, choir and floor ball

2015-12-01 08.36.09

Whole-food, plant-based cooking project. Yellow peas. Put in water 12-24h. Then cook 1-1,5h. Perfect from ecological and economic perspective. Its organic, plant-based grown in Sweden, for just 22 SEK/kg (less than 3 USD/kg). Its only oat that can compete with that in terms of both ecologically and economically sustainable. Since its 3200 Kcal/kg, and around 20% protein, you get a lot of bang for the buck, if you want to fuel an active lifestyle.












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